
Barbusse, Henri (1873-1935), French communist and novelist

Eliat (van de Velde), Hélène (1894-1989), German-American writer and psychologist

Jacobi, Lotte (1896-1990), German-American photographer

Khodzhibaev, Abdurakhim (Abdurahim Hojiboyev) (1900-1938), the first Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of Tajikistan

Kisch, Egon Erwin (1885-1948), Austro-Czech writer and journalist

Kol’tsov, Mikhail Efimovich (1898-1940), Russian journalist, publisher, and Soviet emissary

Lahuti, Abulqasim (Abdulkasim ) (1887-1957), Soviet-Iranian communist poet

Maksum, Nusratullo (also known as Nusratullo Lutfullayev) (1881-1937), Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Tajikistan

Merkurov, Sergei (1881-1952), Soviet artist

Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich (1855-1935), Russian botanist

Radek, Karl Bernhardovich (1885-1939), Polish-Soviet writer and revolutionary

Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953), leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until 1953 

Timur, or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Turko-Mongol warlord and founder of the Timurid dynasty